Friday, September 3, 2010

What no paper towels?

When I decided to go "green" for baby I quickly realized that after a little bit of initial investment this whole "green" thing was going to save me money. One huge cut out of my grocery bill has been paper towels. We have a paper towel free house. What you say? Don't you have a puppy...

and a baby?

Don't you need paper towels for that? Not to mention cleaning windows, cars, the house and all sorts of other things? About 6 months ago these were a few of the arguments my accountant husband thought up. But because we would be saving money he agreed to give it a go. We have never looked back. So what you might ask do we use instead? I found rags, and dishrags are useful for most things. I just wash them when we are done and reuse them for the same thing. We have rags designated for the car, the dog and the kitchen. Another product that I use for lots of other things is called a SKOY

I use these little beauties to wipe babies face, clean up spills, cleaning dishes, and so much more. I have some designated to the kitchen and the rest designated to the cleaning bucket. You just wash and reuse them. I throw mine in the washer machine and the dryer or hang dry.
I must admit the getting used to no paper towels was a little bit of a learning curve at first. Like the first time our puppy had an accident I was thinking "what do I use"!!! But with no paper towels you improvise and find things work. I estimate (my husband used paper towels for EVERYTHING) that we have saved 20 dollars per month off our household bill. That is a total of 240 dollars per year. Yeah more money for other things!


  1. So... what did you use when the dog peed?

  2. Julia we have designated doggie rags. I wash them in hot water in the washer machine along with tea tree oil to disinfect them. But we do have a tiny little nothing is ever to big and yucky!(0:



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