My name is Jessica and I am so blessed to be the wife of Jason, the accountant as I fondly call him and our children Olivia and Henry. Before I was a mommy I was a full time ICU nurse at a local hospital. I loved my job then and I love my new job as a full time mommy and part time PACU nurse. While I was pregnant with Olivia I watched Food Inc and started getting interested in greener, healthier living. I also discovered I had multiple food allergies and had to alter my diet. This blog is me sharing with you our family's journey through the everyday life of being as "green" and organic as possible on a very tight budget. I want to share with you the deals I find, the places I buy, the recipes I cook and everything else that comes to mind. I am hoping you can learn and save along with me. My inspiration is this verse:
“Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.” 1 Thess 4:11-12