Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Recommended Reading List for Going Organic

I didn't just one day decide to "go organic" it was a gradual process of changed thinking. It started with me getting pregnant and "remembering" things I had heard about makeup and the "bad" things in it. Knowing that skin is a large organ and likes to suck in everything you put on it, the first thing I did was run to the store and replace my whole makeup line and bathroom line-up. Now I wouldn't have the money to do that. Then I did. So if I was doing it now I would replace each item one by one as I ran out. Even the conversion to organic only food was a slow progression. I had quite a bit of non-organic items in my pantry that I did not have the money to just throw we ate them and replaced them the next time around with organic. Changed thinking is a process. My journey was helped through books, online research and just talking to friends. I thought I would share with you today some books and websites that helped me on my journey to living organically, frugally and more simply.

Healthy Child, Healthy World . I bought this book through Amazon on a whim. I was perusing the amazon website one night after work and thought. I am going to end up with at least a week off before baby comes I should order some books to read. This was one of them. It has a lot of very helpful information in it on why certain toxins in our environment are bad for our health and our little ones. It doesn't go into a lot of detail which I found nice. I was not overwhelmed with a wealth of information all at once. It gave me the basics and then resources for further study. I highly recommend this book. Not just if you have children but also for the single person out there. The information in it applies to everyone's lives. A similar book with out a baby focus is "Green Goes with Everything". I also found this book very helpful especially when paired with the first book. The Makers Diet I checked out from the library. I could have skipped the first half where he tried to sell me on his diet. When I actually got to what he recommended I agreed with him on a lot of his points. I recommend checking it out for a different from mainstream view on what is and is not good for you, in regards to food.
Living Well on a Shoestring is a book about frugal living. Not specifically organic but it has some great ideas. Things I had never thought of. Like cooking and freezing dried beans! I checked mine out from the library the first time and have re-checked it out 5 times!

I personally love reading and looking at magazines. They are short, simple and to the point. Mother Earth News has been a great resource for organic gardening ideas, meals, cleaning ideas and so much more. I love getting it in the mail every month. Another magazine that is fun, crafty and really shows me a fun way to save money is Mary Janes Farm. It has a lot of pretty pictures and creative ideas for how to make new things from old things. Whole Living put out by Martha Stewart has also been a good resource. I don't always agree with everything any of these magazines say but who does. They are still fun and informative. The Herb Companion
and Clean Eating have been to magazines that have encouraged me to eat whole foods with creative ways to cook them.

Environmental Working Group. I use this website the most for finding up to date information on food, plastics, and toiletries.
The Soft Landing is actually an online store. I haven't purchased anything through them but I read their blog which often links you to good information. The other day I read about what canned food does not contain BPA through them. Click on their blog link to read.
Passionate Homemaking is a young Christian girl who is passionate about living her life to please God. She writes alot about healthy living and eating.

This is the short list. I just wanted to give you someplace to start. Begin with one resource and go from there. It is simpler that way. (or you could be like me when I was pregnant and had piles of books everywhere in the house, wait...I still do that!)


  1. Thanks for the list! This is incredibly helpful. I'm finding myself in a similar situation to yours. My husband and I would like to live more frugally and organically, for ourselves, and especially for our coming little one! (I'm 7 weeks along.) Your site has already been a tremendous resource for me!

  2. a frugal tip to get the information above:
    -library [as you mentioned]
    -use my coke rewards to get the whole living mag [1yr subscription free for 200 points...or 20 12pack codes, i like organic, but we love our fresca. lol! maybe coke can become organic!] :)
    -idk if youve heard of swagbucks, but if you sign up at and then use instead of google for all your search needs, you get swagbucks randomly for searching...nothing to lose, everything to gain. and you can get amazon gift cards with your swagbucks in the "swagstore" [where you get 'buy' prizes with swagbucks.] use the amazon gift cards for anything you want...i got 1/2 my cloth diapers from amazon, as well as my snappis and a baby gate and other things. :) you can use them on the books you mentioned above.
    -and if you sign up for amazon mom, you get a trial of amazon prime [free 2-day shipping] and for every 20 dollars you spend in baby, you get another month of prime for free up to 1yr.
    -also, try searching consignment shops. they have great deals and its "greener"


  3. Thanks Lynn. I have been wondering what swagbucks is I will have to check it out! The amazon mom thing is AMAZING. I am loving it!



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